Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Perm Rods / 3 months

Wow! I can't believe its been 3 months already. Time has flown so fast. However, I am becoming a little impatient, waiting for my hair to get long again. I like my hair at this stage but I can't wait for my hair to be long enough to put in a ponytail. I know it will take time so I'll keep waiting patiently. My 3rd retightening is in about a week.

The other day I actually decided to style my hair (most of the time I just freestyle). I had bought some perm rods a while ago so I decided to try them out. I grabbed a few strands, dampened them with my spray bottle, and rolled them up on the rods.

When I was done, I dried my hair with my soft bonnet hair dryer for about 30 min. Here is a pic showing the finished product.

So far its been 3 days and they're still hanging in there.


Kandgoods said...

wow, 3 days, it looks hot and last long- Perfect style option!

Docs Locs said...

What a beautiful texture shot! So coily and shiny closeup!

Free McK. said...

Very pretty!

Aya said...

Your set turned out nice. Beautiful locks!!